You guys! I just got back from my week-long Denver trip, and I have to say, Colorado is a gorgeous and magical place, and I hope that can go back in the very near future!
My trip was short but definitely sweet, and with all short trips, I try to pack as lightly as possible so that I can fit everything in my carry on. Layering and bringing multi-purpose items of clothing was vital when packing for my week-long Denver trip. I like to think of it as a portable mini wardrobe capsule.
Traveling during the winter months can pose a challenge while trying to pack lightly. Precious space in your bag is taken up by winter wear and going through TSA screenings while wearing snow boots…not as fun as you might think.
The key for packing for a trip like this is: Be okay with wearing an item of clothing at least twice.
What I packed for my week-long Denver Trip:
Two pairs of comfy pants (one pair jeans, one pair leggings)
One airplane outfit (long sleeve shirt worn with leggings)
Four sweaters
Two sets of jammies
A small garment bag for my *ahem* delicates and socks
My winter coat/gloves/hat
Toiletry and minimal makeup bag
Mini hair straightener
One pair of winter boots
One pair ankle booties
Once I was out of the cold and in the airport, I was able to fit my winter gear into my carry on, which made going through the airport a heck of a lot more comfortable!
So, that is the scoop on what I packed, but I also wanted to share with you what I think are some essential items to bring when visiting Denver!
Denver isn’t called the mile high city for no reason, meaning altitude sickness is no joke, and with the semi-arid climate, you’ll be reaching for your water and lotion often.
Essentials for Denver:
Winter Coat– You’ll need a heavy winter coat if you are going up to a mountain resort or walking around downtown Denver in the winter time.
Winter Hat– Even when the sun is shining the wind can be piercing.
Adventure Hat – Everywhere I went I saw ladies in fantastic floppy hats and fedoras. It gave me some serious hat envy!
Gloves – You’ve gotta protect your mitts!
Scarf – I didn’t have one when I went, and it was one of the first things I bought when walking around downtown. I kept it pressed against my face, and it was much-needed protection from the strong winds.
Sunscreen – You’ll need protection from the sun while hitting the slopes!
Lipbalm – I’m telling you, it gets seriously dry there.
Lotion – See above.
Water Bottle – Staying hydrated will help with altitude sickness.
Sunglasses – Protect yourself from snow blindness and squinty selfies!
So, there you have it, everything you need to know if you are planning a week-long Denver Trip! Want to know what I did on my trip? Check out my post on where I went while I was in Denver.
If you want to see more pictures from my Denver trip check out my Instagram @trinketsandlove. Be sure to like and subscribe!