I take relaxation really seriously. Which I know sounds a little silly, taking relaxation seriously, but I believe everyone should take time to slow down, reflect, and take care of themselves! I first discovered Epsom bath salts during a time when I wasn’t taking the time to slow down and do some self-care. I was busy, I was stressed, I was a ball of nerves, and my body was not happy!
The first time I took an Epsom salt bath, and my body started to relax; I was hooked! Soon I started making the soaks a weekly ritual and started thinking of different ways to make my baths more special. If I had to use one word to describe this salt mix, it would be decadent.
Health benefits of Epsom Salts:
There are a lot of beneficial health claims out there for Epsom salts, and for hundreds of years they have been commonly used to:
Eliminate toxins
Relax and ease stress in the body
Soothe sore muscles
Health Benefits of Glitter:
….Okay, I guess there are no scientifically backed studies that suggest that soaking in glitter has any health benefits. HOWEVER, glitter does provide joy and joy is an essential part of any relaxation journey!
I’m so in love with DIY! It is such an easy way to take care of yourself, it is super easy to make and customize, and if you want to share the love, it is a great gift!
What You’ll Need:
Large Mixing Bowl – Large enough to hold all the ingredients while being able to stir
Epsom Salts – I am just using regular soaking salts, but there are different kinds of Epsom Salts available on the market which include lavender, magnesium, and Eucalyptus for extra benefits.
Essential Oil – I’ve picked a rose fragrance, but you can pick any scent of your liking!
Glitter – When looking for my glitter, I made sure that I got something that was cosmetic grade and specifically said it could be used for bath bombs and the like.
Rose Petals – I went with food grade rose petals. No one wants to soak in pesticides! Bonus, the brand I bought came with rose fragrance oil!
Airtight Jar – Using an airtight jar ensures that any humidity from the bathroom doesn’t make the salts clumpy so that you can enjoy them again and again!
Red Food Coloring – This is optional, but I think giving rose petal bath salts a pink color adds an extra cute element to it!
Shimmery Rose Petal Bath Salts :
01. Measure and pour 1 lb of Epsom salt into the mixing bowl
02. Next, take 1 tsp of rose essential oil and add it to the salt and stir into the salts
(The rose petals are going to add a lot of fragrance, so if you don’t want to overpower the salts, feel free to add less. You can also add more if you’d like, it is your me time, you do you!)
03. Now you want to slowly add the food coloring, about 3 or 4 drops into the salts, mixing in after each drop is added. Stir until all clumps are broken up
(We don’t want to go too crazy here and add too much food coloring in. Too much and you run the risk of dying yourself and your tub!)
04. Time to get fabulous with glitter! Mix in 1/2 Tbsp into your mixture
05. Add your rose petals, about 1 to 2 handfuls, depending on your preference, and mix into the salts
06. Scoop the salts into an airtight jar
07. Relax and enjoy the sparkles and soft rose scent in your next bath!
Just imagine coming home from a long day, lighting some candles, putting on some Enya, and drawing yourself a warm bath with these rose petal bath salts that you made yourself! This is such a quick DIY that you can customize to look and smell any way you want!
Now go get your soak on and when you are done, be sure to tell me all about how you like to relax in the comments below!